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3 Money-Making Products


We currently have 3 products that you can sell.


1.)  An e-book titled: 

"How To Clean Your Credit In 60 Days!"

Full Details


2.)  An e-book titled:

"$0 Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit And No Job!"

Full Details


3.)  A 6 month real estate investing course titled (printed manuals and cd's):

"The 26 Week, Online Virtual Real Estate Investing Course!"

Full Details


NOTE: The above products are also available in printed form at a higher price. Your commission is not affected by the price difference. We actually make less money on the printed versions because of the costs involved with printing, handling and mailing.




How To Clean Your Credit In 60 Days!


Sells For:

$49.95 for the download version (see site for prices on the printed version)


Affiliate Commission:



Sub-Affiliate Commission:



Linking URL:

Use this URL as your tracking link to our site.


Replace the XXXXX with your affiliate tracking number that we gave you in your "Welcome" email. 


Sales Are Tracked In Real Time At:


Phone orders, fax orders and check orders are inputted within 24 business hours.



This program has been extremely effective in crossing over into very diverse advertising sites. The national statistic is that 75% of ALL credit reports have incorrect or negative information on them that need to be removed.


This program will be effective with many different target audiences because it is such a pervasive need. Find out full details about the book and download a trial version at: http://www.cleanyourcredit.com


Marketing Materials:


Banners Ads (468X60)


Pop-up Windows






Classified Ads


Endorsed Mailings (letter form)


Solo Mailings (letter form)


404 Error Pages


Ezine Subscription Forms 



$0 Down Real Estate Investing With 

Bad Credit And No Job!


Sells For:

$197.00 for the download version (see site for prices on the printed version)


Affiliate Commission:



Sub-Affiliate Commission:



Linking URL:


Replace the XXXXX with your affiliate tracking number that we gave you in your "Welcome" email.  


Sales Are Tracked In Real Time At:


Phone orders, fax orders and check orders are inputted within 24 business hours.



This is a very effective program and appeals to many folks simply because it is a viable solution for building a real estate business from the ground up without needing money or credit.


Most of us don't start out with a lot of money. And many people have credit problems that keep them from getting conventional mortgages. This book shows them how to create a profitable business, step-by-step. Nothing is ambiguous here. If you follow the steps, you will be able to succeed with this program. Find out full details about the book at:  http://www.realestatemoneymaker.com


Marketing Materials:


Banners Ads (468X60)


Pop-up Windows




Articles You Can Publish In Your Ezine Or On Your Site




Classified Ads


Endorsed Mailings (letter form)


Solo Mailings (letter form)


404 Error Pages


Ezine Subscription Forms



The 26 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investing Course!


There are 3 payment plans:


One time fee: $995.00 for the download version (see site for prices on the printed version)


Two payments: $497.50 for the download version (see site for prices on the printed version)


Six payments: $199 for the download version (see site for prices on the printed version)




Affiliate Commission:


One time fee: $240


Two payments: $120 per month for two months.


Six payments: $44 per month for 6 months.




Sub-Affiliate Commission:


One time fee: $60


Two payments: $30 per month for two months.


Six payments: $11 per month for 6 months.


This is a nice product because it gives you residual income over as much as 6 months.




Linking URL:


Replace the XXXXX with your affiliate tracking number that we gave you in your "Welcome" email. 


Sales Are Tracked In Real Time At:


Phone orders, fax orders and check orders are inputted within 24 business hours.



This is a massive real estate investment training course. It is 26 weeks of audios and manuals designed to make you a Master of Real Estate Investing. You will learn money-making information that will help you get started buying and selling properties within the first few months even if you have bad credit or no money for a down payment.


Find out full details about the book and download a FREE audio program at:




Marketing Materials:


Banners Ads (468X60)


Pop-up Windows




Articles You Can Publish In Your Ezine Or On Your Site




Classified Ads


Endorsed Mailings (letter form)


Solo Mailings (letter form)


404 Error Pages


Ezine Subscription Forms 



United Home

4040 E. 82nd Street

Suite C-9-202

Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

317-598-1220 office

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