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The Real Estate Money Maker 

Affiliate Program


If you aren't set up yet and are in a hurry, use my Quick Start page to get up and running FAST!


If you want to take your time and plan your marketing strategy, check out each of my products. I've got proven and tested tools to help you sell them and dramatically increase your referral fees.


Right now I have three excellent programs that will make you money. More projects are in the works and I will keep you posted when they are released.



Click here to learn about our e-book, "How To Clean Your Credit In 60 Days!" You earn $19.98 for each sale you make and $5 for each sale your sub-affiliates make.


Click here to learn about our e-book, "$0 Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit And No Job!" You earn $78.80 for each sale you make and $19.70 for each sale your sub-affiliates make.


Click here to learn about our 26 Week Virtual Real Estate Coaching Course. You earn $240 for each sale you make and $60 for each sale your sub-affiliates make.



Find out more about our Two Tier Program. You can make money by helping us find Super Affiliates. We'll show you how to do it. 


I personally want to thank you for partnering with with me in this affiliate program. Let's make some money together!


Best Wishes,


Joe Crump






United Home

4040 E. 82nd Street

Suite C-9-202

Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

317-598-1220 office

317-598-0605 fax





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