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Testimonials For:


"How To Clean Your Credit In 60 Days!"





To use testimonials from my site, Click Here and go to the testimonial page, use your mouse to HIGHLIGHT the text you want to copy... RIGHT CLICK on the image, then choose "copy."


You can then "paste" the text into your HTML editor or word processor by RIGHT CLICKING and choosing "paste."


You can use any of the testimonials on the page, but you cannot add to or change the words. It is illegal to use phony or modified testimonials.... plus, it's not a nice thing to do. I keep hard copies of all of the testimonials from my site at my office to keep us from getting into trouble.


I constantly receive new testimonials and I try to add them to my site as soon as I can. Come back occasionally and check for new testimonials you can use. 




United Home

4040 E. 82nd Street

Suite C-9-202

Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

317-598-1220 office

317-598-0605 fax


Copyright © 2001 - United Home