Paid Every Time
An Affiliate You Referred, Makes A Sale!
Down Real Estate Investing
Bad Credit!"
Pop-up up windows are those
annoying little windows that pop-up when you arrive at a web page or when you
leave it. Even though they annoy most people, they have a much higher
click-thru ratio than banner ads... so, I use them.
Warning: If you create a series of
pop-ups that make it impossible for anyone to leave your site, they will never
return. I use only one pop-up at the beginning of a visit and one at
the end. I do not believe in putting my visitors in an endless loop of pop-ups
that they can't escape from. Most people can deal with this and it has helped
me sell many more products.
Here are full instructions to help
you attach these pop-ups to your web site and make more money!
There are two types of banners
available here. Click on the type that you want and you will be taken to
step-by-step instructions.
1. ON-LOAD Banner - Will open when
anyone arrives at the page you attach it to.
2. ON-UNLOAD Banner - Will open
when anyone leaves the page it is attached to. With this method, you
can keep the banner from popping up if you attach an HTML comment (that I will
give you below) to any hyper-link on your page. For example: If you sell your
own product and you want someone to be able to click on the "Order"
link and not have to look at the pop-up banner, you can do that. I will show
you how below.
This banner is set to pop-up when
anyone ARRIVES at your web page.
Step-by-step Pop-Up
1. Use any HTML editor. I use
Click the HIGHLIGHT ALL button below, and then RIGHT CLICK on the code, and choose
COPY. Then, paste the code between the <HEAD>
</HEAD> tags on the page you want the pop up window to launch from.
3. IMPORTANT: In the script that you
highlighted and pasted into your HTML above, look for the words:
that entire phrase (including the brackets - do not leave the brackets) with your Affiliate ID Number that
you were given when you joined the program.
If you do not put
your ID number there, our affiliate software will not be able to track your
sales and you will not get paid.
4. NEXT, click the HIGHLIGHT ALL
button below and right click and copy the code below.
5. Go back to FrontPage or
whatever HTML editor you are using. Click on the HTML tab at the bottom
of FrontPage. Once again, that displays the HTML code.
Paste this code directly after the
<BODY> tag on your web page. The <BODY> tag immediately
follows the closing </HEAD> tag.
FTP (Upload) your page to your web host. Go to the URL of the page you put the code on.
Your page will load, but a pop-up window with your affiliate link will pop-up
over it.
The pop-up window will be smaller
than your page so the visitor will see your page under it. They can close the
pop-up window when they are ready and view your site.
This banner is set to pop-up when
anyone LEAVES your web page. I have instructions below if you want to
have links on your page that do NOT trigger the pop-up window.
Step-by-step Pop-Up
1. Use any HTML editor. I use
Click the HIGHLIGHT ALL button below, and then RIGHT CLICK on the code, and choose
COPY. Then, paste the code between the <HEAD>
</HEAD> tags on the page you want the pop up window to launch from.
3. IMPORTANT: In the script that you
highlighted and pasted into your HTML above, look for the words:
that entire phrase (including the brackets - do not leave the brackets) with your Affiliate ID Number that
you were given when you joined the program.
If you do not put
your ID number there, our affiliate software will not be able to track your
sales and you will not get paid.
4. NEXT, click the HIGHLIGHT ALL
button below and right click and copy the code below.
5. Go back to FrontPage or
whatever HTML editor you are using. Click on the HTML tab at the bottom
of FrontPage. Once again, that displays the HTML code.
Paste this code directly after the
<BODY> tag on your web page. The < BODY> tag immediately
follows the closing </HEAD> tag.
Here is how to keep the pop-up
from appearing when someone clicks on a specific link (as I mentioned above)
where you do NOT want the pop-up to appear.
Here are two examples:
A standard HTML hyperlink should
look like this on your browser:
FTP your page to your web host. Go to the URL of the page you put the code on.
Click the links you placed the onclick=false code on. They should NOT trigger
the popup.
All other links will trigger
the pop-up. You will also trigger the pop-up when you leave the site or close
your browser.