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Article One:

How To Get Sellers To Call And Beg You To Take Their Property!

Part One In A Six Part Series



Joe Crump

This week I'm going to give you the *basic* steps in my
$0 Down Real Estate Investing Program. I outline the
program in *detail* in my 324 page e-book. For details about
the book, go to: 

I personally put together four more real estate deals last 
week... not to mention the deals that I helped my coaching
clients put together. This business gets addictive when you
get the system set up. It is a lot of fun seeing deals come
together with very little effort.

Setting it up in the first place is where the effort comes 
in. After it's set up, it is fairly easy to maintain.

I do most of my work on the phone. It doesn't take a lot of 
my time.


First I set up the ads that attract the Sellers and the 

You are looking for two types of Sellers. The ads in the 
book are designed to get them to call you and ask for your 

Here are the types of sellers that you are looking for...

TYPE ONE - Property owners who will sell to you at 15-30%
below market value.

TYPE TWO - Property owners who will sell you property subject
to the existing loans or with terms.

You must get either *price* or *terms* to get a good deal. 
There are several ways that you can use to bring these deals 
to your doorstep. They are too detailed to include here and 
are outlined (step-by-step) in my book. 

You will want to set the program up as a "system" that creates
a steady stream of qualified sellers calling you and asking 
you to purchase their properties.



You can get a FREE copy of my audio program, "How
To Quit Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income With 
Real Estate Investments!" Just go to:

Next, I talk to the people who respond to my ads and see 
if their property qualifies for my program. I categorize
their property and determine what type of deal I'm working 

First of all, does it fit one of my two criteria above
(price or terms). Second, what am I going to do with it
after I own it. 

1. Keep it as a rental?
2. Sell it to an end user on lease option (rent to buy)?
3. Sell it for cash to an Investor? (which I also show
you how to find)
4. Sell it to an Investor with Terms?
5. Sell it to an end user for cash?

Fill out the questionnaires that I've provided in the book.
They will tell you exactly what type of investment property
you are dealing with.

The next step is inspecting the property. If you know how
the functions of a home work, this is fairly easy, if not,
read up on home inspections or use the guidelines that I 
give you in the course.

NEXT WEEK - PART TWO - "Making A Zero Down Offer!"



PART THREE "Finding Investors Who Will Buy Your Properties!"

PART FOUR "Finding End Users To Buy Your Properties!"

PART FIVE "Lease Optioning Your Properties!"

PART SIX "Get Top Dollar For Your Home By Financing It For
The New Buyer!"



If you haven't checked out Joe Crump's "26 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investment Coaching Program yet, go to his web site 

for full details. It is located at:

While you're there, download his FREE Audio titled, "Quit 
Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income!" It is a full
blown, moneymaking, *extremely detailed*, sample of what 
you get when you sign up for the full 6-month course. 

You will get to hear him speak for about 30 minutes about 
how to replace your income using real estate investments... 
even if you don't have money for a down payment or good 
credit. Best of all... it's FREE.


Article Two:

How To Buy With $0 Down Payment - The Basics!

"Preparing To Make A Zero Down Offer!"

Part Two In A Series



Joe Crump

I'm going to focus on the Seller of a hypothetical property 
you have found and the offer that you are going to make. You 
want to write it so it has a reasonable chance of being 

Never offer more than you can afford to pay.

Don't get caught up in the idea that you are going to make
it work no matter what. Let's face it, some deals just
won't work and you have to let them go.

Ultimately, the person who gets the best deal is the
person who is the least motivated. You have lots of
potential homes to purchase... the Seller only has one
home to sell.

Work up the numbers.

First, you need to know what the current market value of
the property is.

Do this by going to your title company (you can pick any
one you want, just look them up in the yellow pages).
Title companies have access to comparable sales of
homes in the neighborhood.

Look for homes that are very similar to the one you are
preparing to purchase.

Value the home you are going to buy based on how it
compares to the homes that have sold before it.
Only use comps that are twelve months old or less.



You can get a FREE copy of my audio program, "How
To Quit Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income With 
Real Estate Investments!" Just go to:

There are two types of real estate we want to deal
with here. 

The first type, is property that you can purchase for
cash, for at least 15% under market value. You need to
sell these contracts to an investor to complete the deal.

Every investor out there is looking for these
properties and will gladly pay a fee to get them.

The second type of deal is purchased for full market 
value by taking title to the property "subject to the 
existing loans."

I explain in detail how to make an offer on this type of 
property in my book. It is one of the easiest ways to 
purchase property with nothing down and no credit check.


NEXT WEEK- "Finding Investors Who Will Buy Your Properties!"



PART FOUR "Finding End Users To Buy Your Properties!"

PART FIVE "Lease Optioning Your Properties!"

PART SIX "Get Top Dollar For Your Home By Financing It For
The New Buyer!"



If you haven't checked out Joe Crump's "2 6 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investment Coaching Program yet, go to his web site 

for full details. It is located at:

While you're there, download his FREE Audio titled, "Quit 
Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income!" It is a full
blown, moneymaking, *extremely detailed*, sample of what 
you get when you sign up for the full 6-month course. 

You will get to hear him speak for about 30 minutes about 
how to replace your income using real estate investments... 
even if you don't have money for a down payment or good 
credit. Best of all... it's FREE.


Article Three:

How To Buy With $0 Down Payment - The Basics!

"Finding Investors Who Will Buy Your Properties!"

Part Three In A Series



Joe Crump

Here is how to find a few investors who will buy from you 
over and over again! This is so easy, you'll laugh with
delight when the phone calls start coming in.

This step in the process is inexpensive and easy do.
All it takes is a simple classified ad. I suggest that you
run it in your Sunday real estate section under
"investment property." The ad will cost 15-25 dollars.

I'm not going to give you the ads here, you'll have to 
get my book to get the exact ads I've used, tested and 
proven effective over the past 15 years. The ads alone 
will save you thousands of dollars in wasted money.



You can get a FREE copy of my audio program, "How
To Quit Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income With 
Real Estate Investments!" Just go to:

With the three different types of ads that I give you
in the book, you will get calls from three different types 
of investment real estate Buyers.

1. An investor who has money for a down payment and
has good credit, but wants to get a good deal.

2. An investor who has no money for a down payment
and bad credit and doesn't care what kind of deal he gets
as long as he gets a piece of real estate.

3. An investor who has some money for a down
payment, but may have credit problems.

Each of these investors can make money with the
properties that you sell them, if they pay attention and
do their best to keep them rented. 

And best of all... you can make money selling to each of 
these types of investors if you structure the deal properly.


"Finding End Users To Buy Your Properties!"



PART FIVE "Lease Optioning Your Properties!"

PART SIX "Get Top Dollar For Your Home By Financing It For
The New Buyer!"


If you haven't checked out Joe Crump's "2 6 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investment Coaching Program yet, go to his web site 

for full details. It is located at:

While you're there, download his FREE Audio titled, "Quit 
Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income!" It is a full
blown, moneymaking, *extremely detailed*, sample of what 
you get when you sign up for the full 6-month course. 

You will get to hear him speak for about 30 minutes about 
how to replace your income using real estate investments... 
even if you don't have money for a down payment or good 
credit. Best of all... it's FREE.


Article Four:

How To Buy With $0 Down Payment - The Basics!

"How To Sell Your Property For 10% OVER Market Value... Fast!"

Part Four In A Series


Joe Crump

Did you know that you can get 5-10% more for the homes 
you sell AND get higher than market rent! 

You can also get non-refundable lease option money from 
your tenants rather than a security deposit that you 
have to give back to them at the end of their lease. 

Lease option money can pay for your vacancies if you 
know how to structure your contracts! I give you the 
complete contracts (sample forms that are filled out and
blank forms that you can print out and use) in my book,
"$0 Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit And No
Job!" You can find out more about the book at:

Just for those of you who aren't familiar with the 
process of Lease Option, here it is.

You grant a tenant the option to buy your property 
at a specific price and within a specific time period.

In exchange for the option to buy, the tenant pays a 
non-refundable lease option fee.



You can get a FREE copy of my audio program, "How
To Quit Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income With 
Real Estate Investments!" Just go to:

Often, a portion of their monthly payment and their 
lease option money will apply to their down payment, 
when and if they do purchase. 

If they don't exercise their option to buy within the 
time period allotted, the option monies and any payments 
made toward the house are forfeited.

Surprisingly, I have found that only a small percentage 
of Lease Option buyers will actually exercise the 
option. (50%-60%)

I cover this material in detail in my book.


NEXT WEEK- PART FIVE  "Lease Optioning Your Properties!"



PART SIX "Get Top Dollar For Your Home By Financing It For
The New Buyer!"


If you haven't checked out Joe Crump's "2 6 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investment Coaching Program yet, go to his web site 

for full details. It is located at:

While you're there, download his FREE Audio titled, "Quit 
Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income!" It is a full
blown, moneymaking, *extremely detailed*, sample of what 
you get when you sign up for the full 6-month course. 

You will get to hear him speak for about 30 minutes about 
how to replace your income using real estate investments... 
even if you don't have money for a down payment or good 
credit. Best of all... it's FREE.


Article Five:

How To Buy With $0 Down Payment - The Basics!

"How To Lease Option Your Properties!"


Part 5 in a Series



Joe Crump

NOTE: The information in these articles is just a tiny 
sample of what is contained in my 324 page e-book, 
"$0 Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit And 
No Job!" To find out more about my book, go to:

You can get the above book AND 6 full months of virtual, 
*online* coaching with 26 weekly manuals and audios, by 
going to my coaching site at:


There are advantages and disadvantages to renting the 
properties you own or doing lease options.

The typical person who purchases a home using a lease 

option, does so because they cannot figure out a way 

to purchase any other way. This means that they probably 

have credit issues, time on the job issues, income issues or 

no down payment. 

A typical renter, on the other hand, can be found with 
good credit and a stable job.

The quality of tenant that you get is the only real 
advantage that I see with renters. Lease Options have 
some other real benefits.

First of all, you can get more monthly rent for a home 
than when you sell with a Lease Option. (typically 10% 
more than market). This 10% is what you would apply to 
the Seller's down payment if they do buy, so you haven't 
lost anything by giving them excellent terms.

Instead of getting a refundable deposit (like you would 
get from a renter), you get non-refundable option money. 
I suggest charging about the same as you would charge for 
the deposit... typically, 1 month's rent. 

Check out what is customary in your area. Some areas are 
getting as much as 5% down on a lease option!

Since it is likely that the tenant will never exercise 
their option, being able to keep the option fee will 
cover most of the costs of getting the property re-rented 
or leased after the current tenant moves out.

You can also sell the home for more than market value... 
typically 5%-10% more. If they do buy, it will be a good 
deal for you. If they don't buy, you just go out and find 
another tenant.

Another nice thing about Lease Options is that you can 
usually get a longer lease. If the option has a 3 year 
term, you can get a lease for the same period. Renters, 
on the other hand, will usually only give you a one year 

The longer the lease the better. I suggest that you get 
at least 1% lease option fee for every year of the option.
If they want to extend the option, just charge them 
additional option money (which they can apply to their 
down payment)

If a tenant wants to move out before their lease is up, 
they still owe you the balance of the lease. This 
protects you and puts you into a strong negotiating 
position. Any concession you make for them is your 

If someone wants to move out before their lease is 
up, here is what I suggest. 

Make them continue to pay their rent until the new 
tenant moves in. They can either make it available to 
show before they move out or wait for you to rent it 
after they move out. Either way, you won't lose money, 
plus you get to keep the lease option money.

If you are in this situation with a tenant (not folks 
who are lease optioning), treat them the same way and 
give them their deposit back if they leave the home 

Treat people fairly... just like the golden rule says 
and it will benefit you in the long run.

One last benefit of Lease Options is that when a tenant 
believes they are buying a home (rather than renting) 
they will treat it better. A homeowner is more likely 
to fix up a property and tries to protect their 

I cover this material in *exacting* step-by-step detail 
in my book.

I will *personally* (one-on-one) help you put it into 
practice when you sign up for the "26 Week Virtual, 
Online Real Estate Coaching Program." Find out more 
about this program and get a FREE 30 minute AUDIO 
program, by going to:


NEXT WEEK- "Get Top Dollar For Your Homes By Financing 
It For The New Buyer!


If you haven't checked out Joe Crump's "2 6 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investment Coaching Program yet, go to his web site 

for full details. It is located at:

While you're there, download his FREE Audio titled, "Quit 
Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income!" It is a full
blown, moneymaking, *extremely detailed*, sample of what 
you get when you sign up for the full 6-month course. 

You will get to hear him speak for about 30 minutes about 
how to replace your income using real estate investments... 
even if you don't have money for a down payment or good 
credit. Best of all... it's FREE.


Article Six:

How To Buy With $0 Down Payment - The Basics!

"Get Top Dollar For Your Homes By Financing It For The 

New Buyer!"

Last In A 6 Part Series



Joe Crump

You want to get top dollar for the properties that you 
sell to maximize your profits, but this is sometimes 
difficult to do if you don't use a Realtor and pay the
6-7% commission. Here is a way to advertise the home 

and sell it without paying the real estate agent fee. It 

has been extremely effective for me.

I give you many, many additional ideas in my 6 month
program... so check it out if you want to take your
investing career to the next level.

Use what I call, "The Ugly Sign Technique."

When you are ready to sell a house, go to the local sign 
store and purchase a good solid, metal real estate sign 
frame. Don't get the cheap wires... they get blown over 
and lost and won't stand up to weather.

Also buy a piece of yellow "coreplast." Coreplast is 
corrugated plastic sheeting. Have them cut it so that
it fits into the metal frame.

On the bright yellow coreplast write down the down payment
and monthly payment of your property.

It will look something like this: (depending on the price 
of the house)

Down Payment

Per Month
Total Payment

Call 222-2222

Buyers must be able to qualify for these loans. That means...
reasonably good credit and established income.

Use the conventional financing techniques that I give you
in my course to show owner occupants how to get this kind 
of financing. I don't have enough room in this article 
to go into qualifying buyers and helping them buy your
property for full price and very low down payments.

If you get too many calls that aren't qualified, put a
small note at the bottom of the sign that says, "must 
qualify." You may want the unqualified calls if you have
another piece of property that you are trying to sell with
a lease option or are trying to rent. You can convert the
callers to another house.

I have sold so many homes using this technique that I've
lost count.

I cover this material in *exacting* step-by-step detail 
in my 26 Week course.




If you haven't checked out Joe Crump's "2 6 Week Virtual, Online

Real Estate Investment Coaching Program yet, go to his web site 

for full details. It is located at:

While you're there, download his FREE Audio titled, "Quit 
Your Job AND Increase Your Monthly Income!" It is a full
blown, moneymaking, *extremely detailed*, sample of what 
you get when you sign up for the full 6-month course. 

You will get to hear him speak for about 30 minutes about 
how to replace your income using real estate investments... 
even if you don't have money for a down payment or good 
credit. Best of all... it's FREE.



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