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Get Paid Every Time An Affiliate You Referred, Makes A Sale!


Two Tier Program

You Can Have Sub-Affiliates Working Under You 

To Bring You Income Every Time They Make A Sale!


Here is how it works!


You tell someone about our affiliate program and when they sign up (using the URL I'm going to give you below), they automatically become your sub-affiliate.


Every time your sub-affiliate makes a sale, you make a commission.


Here is an example.


Let's say that your sub-affiliate sells a copy of our $197 e-book titled, "$0 Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit!"


That sub-affiliate would make a commission of $78.80 and you would make a commission of $19.70.... and they did all the work!


You will want to sign up "Super Affiliates" to make sales for you. Super Affiliates are folks who have expertise in selling on the internet or have access to a large group of people who would be a good target market for our products. This would be someone who has a web site or who sends out an ezine or newsletter.


There is a science to finding Super Affiliates, but the easiest way to do it is to find newsletters, ezines, or web sites that draw business that would be well targeted for our real estate and financial products. 


Contact the owners of those sites and newsletters and ask them to sign up. I suggest that you contact them by telephone or email. Telephone is probably the most effective way, but email is good too. Make sure that it is personalized and specific to their site or newsletter... it is much more effective than using generic SPAM.


NOTE: Make sure you don't SPAM. If you do, I will have to immediately remove you from the affiliate program and all of your earned commissions will be forfeit. It is a huge problem for me if you SPAM and send unsolicited bulk email. If you have a question about a method you want to use and are not sure if it is SPAM, contact me and I will give you a "yes" or "no."

To have a new sub-affiliate sign up under you, have them go to the sign up sheet at this URL:


Where the "XXXXXX" is your six digit affiliate number that you were assigned when you joined the program.

The site at this URL looks exactly like the one where you signed up for our affiliate program (it is a complete site that explains how the affiliate program works). The only difference is that the application form is specially keyed with your affiliate number.

Once someone submits their application to become an affiliate member, our software automatically enters your affiliate number into our database as the affiliate that referred that new affiliate to join. 

Every time the new affiliate sells a course, our custom made monthly check-writing software automatically adds your commission to your monthly referral check for every course or program sale they make. 

This is a great way to build long term residual income.



United Home

4040 E. 82nd Street

Suite C-9-202

Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

317-598-1220 office

317-598-0605 fax

Copyright 2001 - United Home