From the desk of Joe Crump:

"My comments about Marlon Sanders new e-book" 


"The Associate Program 

Marketing Handbook"


How to get it for free!


When I started my new affiliate program, I set out to find an easy-to-use, step-by-step guide that would show my affiliates how to market the products we sell.


When I heard that Marlon Sanders had just come out with a brand new book on the subject, I got very excited and ordered it immediately.


I have learned many, many useful internet marketing techniques from Marlon over the past few years and consider him to be one of the biggest reasons my internet business is so successful today.


This new book specifically covers how to drive traffic to a web site for the purpose of making sales. It is perfect for someone who belongs to an affiliate program or has their own web site to promote.


By the way, if you haven't signed up as an affiliate of my new program, you should check it out. We have some excellent products and services available that can make you money... especially if you use Marlon's straight-forward marketing techniques. It's free to sign up. For more info, go to:


I finished Marlon's new book in one evening... it is about 94 pages long and a very easy read.  I liked it so much, the next day I contacted Marlon and asked if I could buy the reprint rights to the book and offer it to my clients and subscribers?


He said he would sell it, so I took him up on his offer (before he could change his mind) and paid him for the rights to sell his new book.


As you read * his* letter describing his new book, remember all the things I've told you here. This is an excellent book and it gives you the most powerful marketing tools available today... marketing ideas that I use personally EVERYDAY!


To Your Success,


Joe Crump


Click Here To Order

"The Associate Program Marketing Handbook"




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